SOPA is dead but a new one is here!


To the millions of people in the United States who participated in a massive online protest against SOPA and PIPA… Thank you! If you guys missed out, sites like wipedia went dark while others like google blacked out their logo as a sign against SOPA on the 18th of January. Check out this page to see some pictures! However, a new one “The Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act” which has too many too broad words in it that may hinder the freedom of the internet.

Another big earthquake in Japan?


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It seems that many people I meet are expecting another big earthquake to hit Japan soon! Some people that I’ve met here (Japan) have actually talked about something big going to strike. I really can’t blame them for worrying too much. Recently, there have been many small earthquakes that feel a bit different from the usual ones. However, I’m writing this blog because I want share something interesting that a friend, which I find very freaky yet amusing…

Lots of US sites going dark to protest SOPA

stop sopa by


The internet “community” most notably internet users in the US are showing their commitment to take down the SOPA and PIPA bills by letting their sites go DARK! And they are! A lot of them!!!


NHKで放送の「世界遺産 時を刻む」のナビゲーター向井理さんがオランダを旅するTVプログラム。


