The Tokyo Auto Show

Are you into eco-friendly mini-cars? Check this one out by Suzuki.

suzuki car

Or how about this prototype by Toyota?

cool car

A futuristic truck from Isuzu.

Isuzu Truck

Or this beautiful classic looking 125cc motor bicycle that doesn’t even use a metal chain… It seems to be using a strong rubber chain.

electric motor bicycle

plus a GPS system that is seemingly smart phone compatible.

GPS on motorcycleSome cars had specialized steering wheels where all you had to do was hook up your smart phone or tablet computer straight to a steering wheel… After that, you have everything from GPS to the internet.

Check out this portable cafe, which uses only electricity to run. All you have to do is park at a designated electric charging point and start doing business! This is just the start of it all…

I can predict something like a portable health aid station or an ambulance with similar concepts coming soon.

Portable cafe

Last but not least, lets not forget the future of gas stands… It might not be gasoline anymore.. it’s either going to be hydrogen or electric!

refueling electric station

This is how the electrical outlet looks like.

Electrical outet for cars

One thing I like about this autoshow was that it also had exhibits for the old and handicapped.  Japan being a graying society, it’s clear these automakers will have to come up with ways to help families who have members with physical disabilities. This Vellfire under the Toyota Body Works program features a handy wheel chair that serves as a car seat…

car for the elderly

or for those who use a wheel chair, they have an automated machine that can help you get to the driver’s seat without any assistance as seen below.

wheel chair


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