Airdog X5 Air Purifier
The price for an Airdog Air Purifier is high but it...
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GoPro SDカードの相性

GoPro1では特に問題がなかったSDカードの相性・・・。HD Hero2になったらTrancsendで不具合発生。これは実験するしかないと記録しました。やられたー!とがっかりする前に購入前の方も必見です。

Canon Viewfinder

Dslr Simulator

Now it is possible to learn the basics of photography without buying a nice dslr camera.

Personal Development

Never Judge Appearances

Great social case study depicting a homeless man in need of immediate help compared to a well-dressed man needing help. The lesson here to learn is to Never Judge Appearances; it’s bad for humanity as a whole!

This bothers me that people are more willing to help the well-dressed person. I really hate to say it but this IS THE REALITY we live in most places (esp. the rich materialistic places).

The youtube video above is an example of society’s actions towards the poor!!! Some people will argue that this just is the bystander effect but no; It’s clear that people don’t want to go near a person whose appearance is not neat.


Black iPhone 5 Popular!

After having record sales with over 2 million pre-orders in the first day of accepting pre-orders, the iPhone 5 is definitely a huge tech gadget hit!

The iPhone 5’s strong points is that it is faster and sexier than most smart phones in the market to date. Speaking of sexiness, there are two colors: White and Black.

WiFi用GoPro App登場


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My Site Rankings Suddenly Drop?

It really feels good to know people are out there reading your blogs and I put that on the effort and time  I put to sharing my blogs with everyone. However, I’m not so sure what happened recently because after taking a look at my analytics reports, my traffic has dropped like a rock! What happened?