Airdog X5 Air Purifier
The price for an Airdog Air Purifier is high but it...
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Is traveling with a smartphone a must? Will a smartphone...
Is it worth getting the Japan Railpass? Read along...
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The View from the summit of Mt. Nantai in Tochigi Prefecture

Nikko Nantai climb in Tochigi prefecture

The dog days have begun to initiate some climbing fun without the crowd.

How Long is the Climb/Trek?

My girlfriend and I decided to climb Mt. Nantai located in the Nikko area of Tochigi prefecture. We took the road less traveled, a 14 mile course that starts from the official entrance of the mountain (Chuzenjiko Temple) and ends at the Senjogahara moor/ swamp. 

HDR-AS15 Mounted on Helmet at Tech Expo
HD Video Camera

GoPro Compared to the Sony HDR-AS15

It seems that Sony has taken on the challenge to take away GoPro’s sports camera domination with the HDR-AS15. You want to know what I think?

Keep Blogging

My Site Rankings Suddenly Drop?

It really feels good to know people are out there reading your blogs and I put that on the effort and time  I put to sharing my blogs with everyone. However, I’m not so sure what happened recently because after taking a look at my analytics reports, my traffic has dropped like a rock! What happened?

Personal Development

Never Play to Win?

Never Play just to Win. When you play just to win you’re bound to do something beyond stupid. Just play