Airdog X5 Air Purifier
The price for an Airdog Air Purifier is high but it...
A travel opportunity is always greeted with a plan....
Is traveling with a smartphone a must? Will a smartphone...
Is it worth getting the Japan Railpass? Read along...
When it comes to ensuring the safety of yourself and...

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You Can Always Do Better

Most are probably just our there to make money but I’ll give them credit for going through with their ideas.

Canon Viewfinder

Dslr Simulator

Now it is possible to learn the basics of photography without buying a nice dslr camera.

Made in Japan

Just a word… macro video is harder than macro photography because video is not really that easy to “photoshop” for commercial pusposes. In video, one can use After Effects to remove dust and fingerprints, but when motion is involved, removing those type artifacts is a serious pain in the rear!

Another big earthquake in Japan?


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It seems that many people I meet are expecting another big earthquake to hit Japan soon! Some people that I’ve met here (Japan) have actually talked about something big going to strike. I really can’t blame them for worrying too much. Recently, there have been many small earthquakes that feel a bit different from the usual ones. However, I’m writing this blog because I want share something interesting that a friend, which I find very freaky yet amusing…


Black iPhone 5 Popular!

After having record sales with over 2 million pre-orders in the first day of accepting pre-orders, the iPhone 5 is definitely a huge tech gadget hit!

The iPhone 5’s strong points is that it is faster and sexier than most smart phones in the market to date. Speaking of sexiness, there are two colors: White and Black.