Ironically, as I was debating why I don’t trust the privacy settings on facebook with a friend on Christmas day, it seems that around the same time, Zuckerbierg’s sister had her privacy breached by having a private picture public. With the help of twitter, about 40,000 people saw the picture within seconds of it being tweeted!
Lesson: It doesn’t matter if you’re the sister of a co-creator of Facebook… No one’s privacy is 100% safe on facebook.
Of all the privacy case studies out there, the “accidentally-on-purpose” privacy breach involving Mark’s sister is pretty epic to my opinion. Here’s an article from forbes for more info about this.
As with anyone, I’d be pissed if someone took a picture of a family gathering and posted it on the net.
Facebook is sometimes cool… but just becareful what you post on it. Period.